Thursday, October 17, 2019

MGT 5400 Individual Project Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

MGT 5400 Individual Project - Dissertation Example This is therefore an interventional training of moving an organization from the chaotic level to the high performance level. The purpose of this intervention is to train participants into merging theory with understanding to cultivate best practice in the development of sustainable growth of an organization. The benefit of this intervention is ensuring that organizational development personnel are able to understand the variables that play a significant role in defining the stage of an organization. This case, the organizational development personnel will be in a position to diagnose organization problems and challenges prior to intervention by defining the stage an organization is functioning through at any given period or timeframe. The chaotic stage of an organization is a diagnosable stage that many organizations will shift their priorities into interventional measures based on as it acts as the base stage upon which intervention can be associated with and aimed at resolving. The refore, stability and high performance stages are the deliverables of this intervention based on the chaotic and problematic stage. Theoretical Background A chaotic organization is one that operates at the brink of spinning out of control. The most important variables of an organizational development such as policies, standards, and expectations are normally unclear and decisions are made to deal with mounting pressure for reactive solutions (Allen, 2012). In this organizational stage, individuals are overwhelmed with fear and opt for self-protection mechanisms through blaming and criticizing others rather than taking responsibility to implement or put their lines of thought into a constructive task or commitment. On the other hand, a stable organization is one that has its policies, standards, and structure organized in a manner that allows predictability and control. The goals of operation are known and individuals have specific responsibilities to accomplish individually and as a team. Dutifulness and fairness expectations are the major defining characteristics of this environment (Allen, 2012). The high performance stage of an organization allows shared ownership. Employees are considered part of the stakeholders of the organization and their efforts are geared to ensure the success of the organization. High participation and collaboration rates are defining characteristics of the high performance organization. Members of this organization are highly geared to portraying high decision-making and problem-intervening responsibilities. Ignoring policies and rules, the members of the high performance organization are attuned to realizing the mission of the organization (Allen, 2012). Outline of Training The training activities of the intervention program for ensuring exceptional and justifiable results within an organization include; Diagnosing chaotic organization Defining organizational development stages Identifying deliverables Identifying limitations to s table and high performance organizational stages Activity Instructions Diagnosing Chaotic Organization Identify crisis focus mentality: Fish for reasons that trigger reactive approaches to problems. Identify unclear goals and directions: Filter important from unimportant goals and directions and set priorities Identify the number of shifting priorities: Table all priorities and rank them then

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